NOTICE-June 2, 2017

-Save Ozello General Meeting
Saturday, June 17, at OCA building 9:30am
Mr. Decker has revised the project application and submitted
(proposal for Pirate’s Cove Village)  to the county planning and development department.
Due to that, here will be a General Meeting for ‘Save Ozello’  to let everyone know the developments and plan for our writing campaign. Please bring any petition sheets with signatures to the “Save Ozello Committee”. Yard signs concerning the rezoning issue will be available at this meeting.

For more info contact Linda Green at 352-795-8002
*Please note the attached file for a list of contacts to express your views on the development
click here:  commissioners plus contacts


NOTICE-March 14, 2017

 -Ozello Meeting- Things are starting up again.
The Recent application for development & Rezoning.
Application Number: CPA-AA-PUD-13-01 12-16-14_BCC
Linda Green invites all OCA members to attend a meeting at our OCA building on Saturday, March 25 at 9:30am. The purpose of the meeting is to provide information to Ozello residents and other Citrus County residents regarding the recent development of the Pirates Cove Property in Ozello. *FYI Mike Wright, reporter for the Citrus Chronicle newspaper plans to attend the meeting.

A flyer with information and a recent photo of the area has been made available below, for copying and distribution. If you have any questions call Linda Green at 352-795-8002

flier 3-2017

NOTICE- December 12, 2014
– Ozello Meeting – 
Because of cold weather, the Saturday December 13, at 10:00am Ozello meeting has been moved from the OCA pavillion, to the Ozello Church hall next door. Our thanks to them. Also, look at todays article in the Chronicle, page 3. “TDC gets Halls River Update”.

UPDATE December 4/2014
Property Owners nearby to Pirates Cove received notice of an upcoming meeting December 16, 2014
at 5:01pm, room 100, at the Inverness court house. The meeting “Notice of establishment or change of a regulation
affecting the use of land, comprehensive plan, and/or land development code.

 CLICK BELOW to download or view page in PDF format:


UPDATE September 26, 2014

TheDepartment of Planning and Development has posted the attachment to their website.  It reccomends denial of Pirates Cove requests to change the residential portion of their property to commercial property.  IT IS NOT BINDING!

 This application to the Planning and Development Commission can be approved,denied or put off till a later date.

 Ultimately this application WILL go to the BOCC for final decision.

 We still neeed to go before the above mentioned boards and express in our own words,  our personal concerns to show our solidarity in this matter.



UPDATE   September 1, 2014

Subject: RE: Oct. 2 meeting
We urge everyone with an interest in Pirates cove to attend this meeting.
The agenda will go something like this:  the Planning and Development Commission will make their presentation regarding the changes described in the email I sent you from Joanna Coutu, then representatives of Pirates Cove will have their presentation followed by remarks from the attendees in favor of the project and then remarks from those who oppose it.
Each person will be allowed 3 minutes to make a statement to the board no matter how many people want to talk.
Each time I talk to anyone from the Planning and Development commission, they are very helpful and friendly.  If you cannot attend the meeting, contact one of the Planning department and make your position known.  They apperciate our input.
thanks again.
John and Linda Green

***The October 2, 2014 meeting of the Planning and Development Review Board is held in the Lecanto Government Building,
     3600 West Sovereign Path, Room 166, Lecanto. The meeting begins at 9:00 am.

Here is a web link you can check as the meeting approaches. It will have the full packet for the application that the PDC members would be reviewing.

– the applicant has now requested that the appeal to the BCC be continued until December 2nd.   The PDC hearing scheduled for October 2, 2014 for the Comprehensive Plan Amendment application is still on schedule.

NOTICE – New Update 8/27/14
The October 2nd Planning and Development Commission hearing will be for the request to change the designation on the Future Land Use Map and Land Development Code Atlas to Coastal and Lakes Commercial, as well as to approve the Planned Unit Development (i.e., master plan) request for the development. We have not received a revised site plan so are using the 2012 site plan (that I think you already have) for the Planned Unit Development. The applicant this morning indicated they would be making some changes such as reducing the overall footprint of the hotel, but those won’t be reflected in our staff report for the Planning and Development Commission. 

Once the Planning and Development Commission makes a recommendation on the Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Atlas Amendment and Planned Unit Development, then the application will be forward to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration. Although there are 3 different requests (the two maps and the Planned Unit Development), they are combined under one “application” for the hearings. 

I hope that helps, but let me know if you need anything else.

Joanna L. Coutu, AICP
Land Development Division
(352) 527-5244

NOTICE – New Update 8/27/14
It’s not a statute interpretation that they are appealing.  They are appealing staff’s interpretation of Comprehensive Plan Policy 4.10.10.  It relates to Florida Statute 509.013 defining transient public lodging establishment, as well as Florida Statute 163.3177(e), but the appeal is based on the Comprehensive Plan Policy interpretation.  I’ve attached a copy of the letter that they are appealing.

 ****FYI – the applicant has now requested that the appeal to the BCC be continued until December 2nd.   The PDC hearing scheduled for October 2, 2014 for the Comprehensive Plan Amendment application is still on schedule.

 NOTICE – Update 7/2/14
September 9, 2014 at 2:00pm BOCC meeting

NOTICE – Update 6/27/14
PUBLIC MEETING – July 8, 2014 at 2:30pm BOCC meeting
Location: Citrus County Court House

                110 N. Apopka Avenue, Room 100
                Inverness, Florida 
This meeting will address ability of Pirates cove to build condos on the 
pirates cove property.  

Every one in attendance will have a chance to voice their opinion on this project.  This appeal document is available at the planning and development office in Lecanto 

The PDF file at the bottom of this letter is from BOCC to all of us within 500 feet of pirates cove notifing us of the upcoming meeting, but anyone can attend and speak.
Hope you can attend, write or email them.

*CLICK BELOW to download or view the letter in PDF format:

*if PDF is not viewable, *Contact John Green to get the letter emailed to you.

 NOTICE – Update 6/9/14
1.       On June 10th the Commissioners will be asked to set a hearing for the appeal on June 24th.  As such, the actual appeal cannot be discussed at the June 10th meeting.  Mr. McLaughlin has advised our office that he intends to speak at the June 10th meeting as part of the “open to the public”, but there is not any item scheduled for Pirate’s Cove on that date other than setting the hearing on the 24th.  In the correspondence, Mr. McLaughlin did request that the appeal be heard on June 10th, but we were unable to accommodate that date due to statutory notice requirements.  It is up to you if you want to attend the BCC meeting that day. 

2.       The June 24th hearing, tentatively scheduled for 2:15 p.m., will be an advertised public hearing.  It can also be considered as a public hearing (which is required to be advertised anyway, so saying “advertised” before it does not change the meaning).  It is also a public meeting, as it is open to the public. 

3.       The hearings for the application to change the designation on the Future Land Use Map and the Land Development Code Atlas, application CPA/AA-13-01, have not yet been scheduled.  Mr. McLaughlin requested that scheduling be placed on hold for that application, and our Department has complied with that request.

 Yes, as a public meeting/public hearing/advertised public hearing (all of them apply) it will be open to the public on June 24, 2014.  As such the BCC will allow public input on the application.

 Joanna L. Coutu, AICP
Land Development Division

 Notice 12/3/12    The December 5th, Planning Commision Meeting is Cancelled 

Meeting Notice for July 31, 2012   6:45pm at Pecks     CLICK BELOW for More Info in Pdf format:
decker letter72612

NOTICE 5/28/12:  
***Special Note from J. & L Green -We are requesting phone numbers and email addresses to be able to have a list of people against Mr. Decker’s condo project.  We are always seeking input.  Please send that info to John & Linda at:   <[email protected]>

NOTICE 3/17/12:
Our sec\treas., C. Treat has declined the duty because of an overloaded schedule.  We are in need of someone to fill this position until our next meeting for Committee approval of a new Sec\Treas.
Please notify L. Green if  you can help us.  795-8002.    mr. green  jeans  @   live . com  
or Bob Schaefer,   bb krank  @  iwol  .  net
Please send any information, notices, letters, etc. to L. Green or B. Schaefer.  We will bring all information to the Advisory Members and then L. Green will post it on the Ozello.Net Website.
Please, if you feel our project is important to you or your neighbors, write and call Jenette Collins and Dennis Damato 
(he is up for re-election this year and may have a bigger ear than usual).
The more times we write them (use different concerns each time), the bigger voice we will have when it’s time to go to the meetings and be visual to them.
Dennis Damato:  E Mail:  [email protected]        Commissioners 352 341 6560 
Citrus Courthouse, 110 Apopka Ave.,Inverness, Fl. 34450
When the time comes,  if we have a large turnout, we will have a voice in our government.  
The Advisory Board is currently setting up meetings with several persons who may be to help us.

We will let you know what happens.

L. Green..