Home of the “Ozello Open”
Ozello Palms is an exciting and challenging course that stretches more than 17,000 yards from the back tees.
The course is highlighted by numerous water features. In fact, the absence of land is what makes this course so unique.
True to his design philosophy, architect Gary “Get out the Snorkel” Hankshire has once again fashioned a golf course that will challenge the expert to utilize every club in the bag while providing an enjoyable experience for the novice golfer. Due to the extreme water conditions, the high probability of flooding and the fierce winds, standard par for the course is 106. This par actually allows for one ball in the water on each hole. This goal is attainable by the experienced golfer.
Come join us at the Ozello Palms Golf Resort. Remember to bring your standard golf equipment along with a snorkel,
kayak and waders. Galvanized rental clubs are available upon request. Below are some photos of the course and the fun.
Email us today for tee times. [email protected]

*Our Club Pro
OPGR Club Pro, Alan “Swamp Thing”
Caldwell in front of his latest invention, the lounge pontoon.
Good luck with the patten on that one!

*Unplayable Lie
We believe this to be the last photo of local golfer
Max Helleard in the “rough” just off the fairway on 12!

*Too Many Golf Balls
Local Nate “Buzz” Neikirk wades the swamps in search of
lost golf balls. Today’s haul looks good but he is having trouble
getting them in the truck.

*New Clubhouse
After the front nine, enjoy a “toddy” at our new clubhouse.
Just walk up to the shore and yell. The bartender will throw
you some waders!

*Lady Golfer on 16
Uggh, I didn’t take that picture honey!
No, I don’t know how it got on the web page!

*Caddie in Training
Yep, those Ozello Golf Resort caddies have to be tough.
The one shown here is still in a vegitated state!

*The Ozello Golf Cart
Yes, we supply ATGC (All Terain Golf Carts).
Keys to the carts and injury waviers are available
at the clubhouse.
*A Must Have
Every Ozello Golfer knows the importance of having the right
equipment. We are trying to get “Tiger” to model a pair of these.

*Our Founder
Finally, a picture of the Ozello Golf Resort founder, Crazy Jake
Lane. Jake had a dream. It was ludicrious,
but it was still a dream.

*Golf/Fishin’ Equipment
Tom from Ozello has invented the perfect equipment for a day
of activity at Ozello Palms.
DIRECTIONS: Going South, pass the University of Ozello entrance. At the blinking light,
go right on Brazilian Pepper Way. The entrance to Ozello Palms is 200 yards on the left,
just past Cletus’s Barber Shop.
Come by and see us sometime. And remember our motto…
Ozello Palms Golf Resort…
Where you can golf and fish at the same time…
Copyright © 2001 The Ozello Palms Golf Resort
All rights reserved
Trade Mark TM 2004 The Ozello University
Copyright © 2001 Ozello.net
All rights reserved